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  1. Hello Im trying to install and test Textpattern on an Mddh shared hosting account. It basically works but ive had some problems with data corruption in language tables that hold double byte characters. Ive requested support from the application and theyve been helpful but nobody is aware of this problem and the application is part of softalicious and "just works" on some other hosting vendors. When i look at a working system I find the following:- Charset (default/config): latin1/utf8 character_set_client: utf8 character_set_connection: utf8 character_set_database: utf8 character_set_filesystem: binary character_set_results: utf8 character_set_server: latin1 character_set_system: utf8 On my Mddh install they are currently Charset (default/config): latin1/utf8mb4 character_set_client: latin1 character_set_connection: latin1 character_set_database: utf8mb4 character_set_filesystem: binary character_set_results: latin1 character_set_server: latin1 character_set_system: utf8 With support from Mddh I have been able to change “character_set_database” from ‘latin1’ to ‘utf8mb4’ by changing the collation setting in Phpmyadmin after database creation, prior to running install script. It hasn’t changed anything re. the problem. "character_set_connection" looks like it could be a big problem. I note that the default on both systems is latin1. It seems that most hosting systems are set with a default of swedish latin1. Presumably the settings on the working host were either configured by the install script, or manually, or are set in a session script or .ini file. I note that hosts in general now dont allow access to config files for PHP and MySql. Can i set the the others as session variables in .htaccess ? If not Is there any other way to set them on a session basis ?
  2. I note this was 2014. Is ghost supported on Mddhosting now? I've seen some shared hosting does support and some doesn't. I'd like an alternative to WordPress for blogging as my previous host had some fairly serious problems with multiple users WordPress sites being hacked.
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